Big Data & Analytics


"Big Data" and "Analytics" technologies have entered our agenda recently and importance continues to increase day by day. In parallel with the developing technology, data creating process starts from taking our mobile phones in the morning continues during whole day activities 7/24.

inksen Big data analytics service is top important for companies. We leave our digital footprints (information or data) into the ecosystem with all kinds of applications we use during the day.

With technological developments and digital transformation, data has vital importance for businesses. Even started to become more valuable than the capital of companies.

The correct collection, analysis, and use of this data for business activities are now one of the biggest variables that make a difference in competition.

At inksen, we use advanced big data and business intelligence tools to help make meaningful the various data that our customers already own or collect in real-time.

In this way, we can help all kinds of companies that have large volumes of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data from different sources. We enable to consolidate big data in a holistic environment that can be used to model and predict new market opportunities.

inksen experts provide a wide range of big data services within the framework of technological infrastructure, maintenance, and support, including consultancy and strategic approach.

inksen Big data anaylsis, big data tools, big data management are core business of inksen.
When you may need big data and analytics service?

- You have huge data inside and outside of the company as a result of your activities and you do not use it.

- If you think you are falling behind in data processing compared to your competitors.

- If you think you are inadequate to use your customers' data.

- If you are questioning your competence in predicting and modeling future trends.

- If you are not satisfied with the speed of your business in digital transformation and catching up with the age.

We can make your data sources  - have not used until now-  valuable for you and add value to your company business. For detailed information please contact our professional technology consultants.

What benefits will our big data and analytics solutions bring to your business?

Your company data has never been more valuable. Data that is target-oriented and processed with correct analysis now makes a difference.

Awareness of the importance of data and extra added value

Most of the businesses collect enormous data in their daily activities. However, it is very important to collect data in a meaningful way and to use this collected data in the most optimum way to create added value for companies.

At this stage, İNKSEN helps you about how to collect and analyze big data, which is one of the biggest capitals of today.

Cost advantage, increase in sales and customer satisfaction

Can gains be achieved in three such important topics above by analyzing only the data? The answer is clear Yes!

The data we have is actually our company's x-ray and a tool we can use to optimize costs. Parallel to this, customer data is a handbook that includes hints on how to make the target sales we want to reach. We are here for you to create happy and loyal customers with the right big data strategy.